Easy steps to learn any programming language

"The learning process is not like a IF    condition ,but like a WHILE LOOP with TRUE condition"                                     

Learning programming language is very instancy at present now. In short ,It would be the one of the main subjects in the primary education in the near future.

Here, Easy way of learning programming language is provided that should know to become shortcut programmer within a short time period.

Step-1 : Selecting a programming language
              First of all, we have to select a programming language which you will find simple to understand & easy to complete. I prefer you guys, python or javascript .Why python or javascript..? you have a doubt right ! .Here's the answer, python and javascript is easy , simple ,huge applications and great future .Especially javascript doesn't need any special interpreter or compiler ,we only need a good html editor app like Kodeweave ,Anacode and Icodego apps for mobile users. And javascript leads to a web development ,web game development and many more.

Download Anacode
                Download Icodego

              Download kodeweave

Step-2 : Learn all basics 
               Start a programming language with  a  very  basics  and  complete  all basics.There  are  great  resources present in youtube tutorials , w3schools  and  learning  apps like SOLOLEARN .Sololearn is the perfect learning platform for beginners which teach you all basics about popular programming languages , contains code playground for practices and experiments on codes and many more. I highly prefer that beginners to install Sololearn to begin their path towards programming.


Step-3 : Practice and experiment on sample snippets

        Learning process involves 3 stages
1. Knowing all the basics of particular subject.

2. Practice and made experiments on 
that subject.

3. Start to think in application oriented.

4. Create a creation to satisfy your learning.

        After learning all basics ,we should practice and experiment on already coded snippets. While doing these , we should create something that satisfy you and your learning. This creating step will memorize all the content you have learned till now and made you as confident programmer to move on forward.
You may have a doubt like what to create at last in learning programming.
There are many things that we can create like web design , app development, game development and many more .

"That's why I prefer you to learn Javascript programming language at first which ease you to learn other languages also and made you as great developer through these developments".

Step-4:Game development through Javascript

                    I prefer you to made your creation   through  game   development since  it is seems to be familiar ,makes you  more interested to learn more and you will got awesome experience through it.
        For more knowledge about game development  through Javascript , check this link to got a motivation of game development. 

     Easy Game development steps

         Here ,you can find simple steps to create a games in mobile through Js.

Conclusion :
At last ,I hope you find that Javascript 
is good to learn first then this javascript made you as shortcut developer and then you will familiar to programming languages and so you can learn any programming languages after this Javascript. 

          Through Js ,I made 4 web games and  I  am  not  a  computer  science student ,but I am good enough to create Javascript games.

These are the creations I maded ...
Play Okool game

Play Aqua Save game

3.MY IMMUNTY (corona game):    
Play corona game

Play 3d car game

          Well ,now it is the best time to learn programming language .
Theabove steps are all about steps to     programming languages.
In case ,if  you wish to add any new tip ,feel free to let me know in the comment section below.

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