Real of meaning of work that every one should know

"Heartfull work is the one of the form  of God which feeds ,encourages ,gives you prestige and make you as a inspired and wise one at last"

A person may work for different reasons like for food ,money ,prestige , power ,accredit ,luxury and nominal .But every person work for food and money .But you can find that all of them wouldn't find satisfaction in their work .Only few of them will find satisfaction .Only few ,because of that they perfectly know about the real meaning of work .

A heartfull work starts with clear view and imagination, walks with full observation and problem solving view, runs with researching and reacting through experiments and ends after gaining full knowledge of that work. Through this process, you will not only get food and money but also satisfaction and prestige.  

       For people's like programmer, they needed to question ,like why we should do this ,about their work themself and start the work. With full of observation,they need to coding and programming. By doing research, they needed to react through experiments on codes. Atlast of code work, they will get full knowledge and satisfaction in the programming. 

Why should we know about WORK:

       You should know about the work because it will help you to get full idea about the work process and by this you can able to do any work with dedication ,observation to get full knowledge of that work .If you do the work in this way, atlast you will get experience with wise work and will become a inspired person for the others. 

Process of Working :
The process of working involves 4 stages
stage -1:

W - Why I should do this and What I can get at last.

O - Observation on my doings.

R - Research on my Observation and React to it.

K - Knowledge from my Research.

A Brief Explanation Of Working :

"W - Why I should do this and What I can get at last."

At the beginning of work ,we should ask ourself as
- Why I should do 
- What I can get
By asking ourself ,we will get a clear vision towards our work .By answering to this question ,we will get full motivation to do our work .
so ,During work ,keep on questioning yourself and get an answer to it which ignites the fuel in you to run through the work until it perfectly accomplished.
Without questioning like this ,Our work may get discontinued due to the reasons - lack of vision of our goals ,encouragement and sufficient motivation.

"O - Observation on my doings."

After getting the answering to the above questions ,then we start our work with full of Observations on our work .
Observation involves 
-how we can complete work perfectly. 
-practice or face the already done problems.
-finding shortest way to complete the work with perfection.

"R - Research on my Observation and React to it."

With full of observations you got ,make researches on your observations.

Research involves these
-Creating new problems and solving it frequently.
-Researching the shortest paths in work.

Reaction to work involves
-Create something that related our work.
-Made a contribution with everlasting practice and experiments.

"K - Knowledge from my Researches."
        At last of our work ,we will need to get a full knowledge from our work .With this knowledge , we will become a one of the experienced person in our work.
By completing all the stages ,The process of working is completed.
Through this process ,anybody will get great satisfaction in their work.


A student should
-know what and why they are studing.

-made some observations on study like
 lab observations in laboratory. 

-research on the result from their observations and react to it like made a experiments on their observations. 

-need to get full knowledge from their experiments.


        Well ,now it is the best time to your work with full knowledge of this meaning to that work .The above steps are all about 4 stages of working process which gives you the real meaning of work. 

      In case ,if you wish to add any new tip ,feel free to let me know in the comment section below.

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